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laser acupuncture中文是什么意思

用"laser acupuncture"造句"laser acupuncture"怎么读"laser acupuncture" in a sentence


  • 穴位激光


  • He - ne laser acupuncture in treatment of cholelithiasis a report of 310 cases
  • The validity and security of the laser acupuncture has been confirmed , and computer aided diagnosis technology is gradually used in medicine
  • The system of software of computer aided diagnosis provide theory for laser acupuncture diagnosis and therapy and has researched the instrument for diagnosis and therapy of human body information
  • Sixthly , it combines laser acupuncture technology and computer aided diagnosis system , and it make aided diagnosis become theory base of laser acupuncture which guides laser acupuncture
  • Fourthly , it designs the semi - conductor laser acupuncture system of 650nm of which power and working time are adjustable . and it has researched human the instrument for diagnosis and therapy of human body information with other corporation
    设计出了功率和工作时间均可调的650nm的半导体激光针灸系统,同有关单位合作研制出了人体信息诊疗仪样机(硬件) 。
  • The micromechanism of laser acupuncture and moxibustion are investigated , from photothermal and photopressure interaction . based on the thermal equilibrium and electromagnetic theory , the photo - tissue thermal interaction are discussed
用"laser acupuncture"造句  


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